Since the beginning, in 1985, several groups of dedicated, talented, hard-working individuals have volunteered countless hours to plan and present the annual Cleveland GLBT Invitational Fellowship Tournament.  (Some of these folks have been involved in some capacity every year since then.)  During its nearly 40 years of existence, G.I.F.T. has become one of the premier LGBT events in the Greater Cleveland area.  The bowling portion of G.I.F.T. is hosted by AMF Brookgate Lanes, allowing for a capacity of 184 bowlers.

With the help of corporate sponsors Tito's Handmade Vodka,  BowlersMart, Radical Bowling Technologies, and the generous support of past sponsors and many local businesses, organizations, and individuals, tournament organizers have welcomed hundreds of men and women from across the US and Canada to the North Coast for a weekend of bowling, fun, and fellowship.  Over the years, various fund raising activities have been incorporated to help offset the costs of presenting such a huge event.  In addition to the thousands of dollars in bowling prize money and raffle prizes, the G.I.F.T. Committee has donated nearly $60,000 to local organizations.  Beneficiaries for GIFT 2024 include the LGBT Center of Greater Cleveland, CANAPI, and the Near West Theater.

The annual G.I.F.T. Cruise (which was originally planned as "something unique" for bowlers and guests to do on Saturday night) has evolved into one of the single most attended LGBT events in Cleveland.  Since 1989, on the second Saturday in June, anywhere from 400-700 people have boarded the privately chartered Goodtime III for a party on the Cuyahoga River and Lake Erie.
Cleveland G.I.F.T. is affiliated with the International Gay/Lesbian Bowling Organization (IGBO), the umbrella institution for hundreds of LGBT bowling leagues and tournaments throughout the US, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand. 

GIFT 2025 Committee

Jim Hassel & Eric Strong    Co-Directors

Bob Lach    Treasurer

Rich Woodman, David Miller  Registration/Stats   registration@clevelandgift.org

Jim Hassel    Fundraising

Nick Sabato   Hotel/Hospitality

Bill Huepenbecker     House/Competition                

Ed Progar     GIFT Cruise

Matt Adkins, Sherman Cosper, Rick Gall, Jim Gruzosky, Dan Lamparyk, Kevin Lord, Justin Mastrucci,  David Miller, Travis Moore, George Rouse, Andrew Wright                     

Cleveland G.I.F.T. 

36301 Eddy Road 

Willoughby Hills, Ohio  44094